Page title showing a yellowed grungy background with a logo which reads "From Trenches to Triumph U.S.A." The logo is circular in shape with a red, white and blue upper border and a red, yellow and blue lower border. Below the logo is text in navy blue which reads "The Salvation Army in World War I"
Black and white photo showing a large group of women wearing white fabric caps and smocks over their clothing. The women hold knitting.
Detroit Salvationists knit their bit for the servicemen. Nationwide efforts such as knitting socks and other warm apparel generated a feeling of patriotism and support for the troops.
Small round pin with white center and red outer rim. Text in center in blue reads "S.A. War Fund."
Salvation Army War Fun pin
Black and white photograph showing two female Salvaiton Army officers wearing WWI uniforms collecting money in straw hats at a wood booth with a large doughnut hanging above the counter. A woman in fashionable dress makes a donation into the hat.
Envoys Gladys & Irene McIntyre collect money in front of NY Public Library May 19,1919

War Relief Work

National Commander Evangeline Booth borrowed $125,000 to fund the War Service work and charged The Salvation Army USA with raising additional money. Fund drives were held across the country. Some enlisted the aid of community organizations, postal workers and other wartime aid organizations. These drives raised the millions needed.

Salvation Army corps (local churches) not only raised funds, but also directly contributed to the needs of combat troops. Corps groups rolled bandages and knit mittens, hats, sweaters, and scarves for troops overseas. These supplies were then shipped to Europe and distributed to soldiers and hospitals by the Red Cross.

Want to try your hand at knitting your bit? The patterns in the Priscilla War Work Book (linked here) were approved by the Red Cross for production and distribution to World War I soldiers. 

A group of soldiers poses with two Salvation Army female workers who are mending the soldiers uniforms.
The Doughnut Girl pictured center wears a sweater possibly made from the Knitted Sleeveless Sweater pattern on page 11 of the Priscilla War Work Book

After the war, the American public viewed The Salvation Army War Service workers as celebrities. The Home Service Fund was created to replenish the Army’s depleted treasury and fund its social service programs. Participation from the Doughnut Girls helped the newly created fund to achieve its annual fundraising goals. Today, Doughnut Girls remain popular figures in Salvation Army fundraising.


Graphic button with text "Next"