During our lifetime we acquire objects which make up our daily lives along with mementos from significant life events. Upon promotion to Glory, these possessions are left behind. Sometimes we share the stories and personal meanings of special items with family and friends, but too often these stories become lost in time.
Through historical research, information learned from descendants, and tracing their Salvation Army service records we can take a glimpse into the Burdick’s lives. So much still remains a mystery. As you explore the exhibit, imagine how the family might have acquired these objects, used them, and the stories they may reveal.

A Soldier’s Tour de France
Professional sports are only one industry affected by the global coronavirus pandemic. Currently, hundreds ...

A New Chapter in Doughnut Day History
This oh so tasty annual event is generally said to have begun over ...
All objects in this exhibit are gifts of Pamela Feack in memory of Floyd O. “Pa” and Samantha Minerva “Minnie/ Ma” Saunders Burdick, Cecil May Burdick Goodwin, Grace Belle Burdick Yates, and Fern Ann Goodwin Feack